
One in four people are Dekichatta kekkon. Dekichatta kekkon’s ranking by prefecture in Japan.


One out of four people in Japan are in a Dekichatta kekkon (a marriage necessitated by an unplanned pregnancy). The data was gathered by prefecture. According to the statistics regarding birth released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2010, the national average on the percentage of Dekichatta kekkon is 25.3%.

When we look at the nationwide level, the figure is high in Tohoku and Kyusyu region but low in Kanto and Kinki region. The Dekichatta kekkon’s ranking by prefecture is shown below.

< Dekichatta kekkon’s ranking by prefecture >
1.  Okinawa-----38.2%
2.  Saga--------33.3%
3.  Aomori------32.4%
4.  Kumamoto---32.0%
5.  Fukushima---31.2%
6.  Nagasaki----30.5%
7.  Akita-------30.1%
8.  Miyazaki----29.6%
9.  Yamagata----29.2%
9.  Iwate-------29.2%
11. Ibaraki-----29.0%
12. Kochi-------28.2%
12. Fukuoka-----28.2%
15. Ooita-------28.1%
16. Miyagi------27.8%
17. Tottori-----27.4%
18. Shimane-----27.2%
18. Yamanashi---27.2%
20. Fukui-------26.9%
21. Gunma-------26.6%
22. Niigata-----26.5%
23. Ehime-------26.3%
24. Hokkaido----26.0%
24. Wakayama----26.0%
26. Ishikawa----25.8%
27. Tochigi-----25.6%
28. Tokushima---25.4%
28. Mie---------25.4%
31. Nagano------25.1%
32. Shizuoka----25.0%
33. Yamaguchi---24.6%
34. Osaka-------24.3%
35. Tokyo-------24.2%
36. Gifu--------24.1%
37. Saitama-----24.0%
38. Chiba-------23.9%
39. Hiroshima---23.5%
40. Toyama------23.4%
41. Kyoto-------23.1%
42. Nara--------23.0%
42. Kagawa------23.0%
44. Hyogo-------22.9%
45. Kanagawa----22.7%
46. Aichi-------22.2%
47. Shiga-------21.6%

Is it true that more than one third of Okinawan people are in aDekichatta kekkon? There is a 16% gap from Shiga, the lowest in rank.

We can think that this is ranked by prefectures that don’t care about public images. Does that mean that those prefectures’ environment, which are over 30% such as Okinawa, Saga, Aomori, Kumamoto, Fukushima and Nagasaki, are natural behavior,  little interruption from parents, and free love?

Well, we also can suppose that this is ranked by prefectures that are responsible because they get married after discovering the pregnancy. We can treat it's various interpretations.

What do you feel about this ranking that Tohoku and Kyusyu areas are high, but Kanto and Kinki areas are low?

2 件のコメント:

  1. Abortion rate is needed in that area. When you got pregnant, and you can marry, it's a kind of happy.

  2. Abortion rate is a good idea. I'll write about it someday. Thanks!
